Cold Eggs

Day 26 – 26 Jan 2017

I visit Oldtown Kopitiam almost everyday for breakfast simply because the nearest coffee shop is quite far to walk to and also, I see a friend for breakfast everyday.

Basically breakfast is a determinant to my mood for the entire day.

Today, I am alone because the friend had no car and she had to take the train to work hence me being alone.

I decided to order the kaya butter toast and two soft boiled eggs for breakfast. Mind you.. ala carte too because sets are not available.

Why ala carte only today? Yes.. Chinese New Year is literally another two days away hence business owners think it is TOTALLY FINE to charge you extra. Fine, fine.. I get it. People are doing business.

Anyway, I got my coffee and soft boiled eggs first. I was thrilled because wow, fast service. Also, the Kopitiam was rather empty when I placed my ordered.

I waited for 20 mins before my toast came. I had to remind the waitress about it then she shouted to the kitchen to pass it to me first.

By then, my soft boiled eggs are cold. Yes, cold soft boiled eggs for breakfast.

Which right mind serve soft boiled eggs before the freaking toast bread? I am a Malaysian and I eat my soft boiled eggs TOGETHER with the kaya butter toast.

But no.. my bread was served after 20 mins. It is fine if I had to wait 10 mins or so while the soft boiled eggs are still warm. But nope, bread was served after 20 mins.. so I am dipping my toast in cold soft boiled eggs.

I do not even like bread to begin with 😩

I mean, it is fine to hire foreigners as the servers because they actually do a better job than the locals. Their only barrier is language but that is fine because they can speak English too if not Malay.

My only problem is the service.

It happens every single day. I think I have probably gone all amok on their services. It is not only this outlet but other outlets as well.

Why can’t business owners spend on customer services courses for staff?

I personally think that the service is more important than the food. Well, sometimes the food is more important. But my point is.. if the food sucks, and the service was good. I would not even complain. But both sucks so bad.. it really ruin the mood.

I promised myself that I will be more rational and less moody this year.

I guess Oldtown Kopitiam managed to screw it.

I should ban this place for breakfast. But nope, I still come.

I am such a sucker. #contradictingthoughts

Met up with apekhuw today because he is back for Chinese New Year and this is his version of red packet to me 😂 #angmohlogic


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