Eating My Way to Fatness

Day 29 – 29 Jan 2017

Second day of Chinese New Year started with some finger food. I have eaten so many meals for the past three days!

And then we adjourned to Pik Wah restaurant for lunch. 😱

It was eight courses meal with Mister U and his family. It is also a good time to bond. His nieces and nephews are mad adorable! I have also been force fed lots of food and second helpings because I am a new addition to the table.

His family and the traditions; I am still trying to adapt to it. His family also have this tradition where meals during Chinese New Year must add second helping of rice.

Apparently, it is a symbol of prosperity. It is to tell that you have more than enough to eat. I am not entirely sure what it means but man, I had lots of carbs.

There is aplenty more of traditions to learn because well, my family is seriously very modern. My parents are those chill ones where only “pantang” they have is not to wear black on first day of Chinese New Year. And we are allowed to sleep as late as possible too.

But Mister U’s family wakes up early for meals. #toomuchtolearn

When Mister U models for hairband 😂

His niece decided to put it on all the uncles and yeah, Mister U looks amazing 😂

Needed a break from Chinese food hence the dinner/supper in a mamak. Times like these make me appreciate my country a lot because of our diversity and of course, food.

But then again, talking about my own country for better quality of life.. I am just finding ways to leave this country. I would not want my future generation to go through such challenges in life. I mean, we all do work for a better future and world.

I’ve been told to leave home multiple times this Chinese New Year.

Perhaps it is a good time to rethink my route.

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