Do I eat to live or live to eat? 🤔

Day 43 – 12 Feb 2019

Continuing with the Chinese New Year happenings..

Met up with my macha who came back from HK because it’s a must meet up during the festivities! It was always a fun catch up with him and I really miss my kopi kaki 😢

Anyways, we met till late and then I had to wake up early to hit the roads to get back to Ipoh!

There was no jam so we reached home really early so yay to that.

Greeted by a delicious lunch cooked by my Mom 😍 It was too bad that I missed the vegetarian dish because I really, really love “chai choi.”

Even spent some time with my baby sister to play this childhood game called Pop Pop!

It’s literally a “weapon” because the inside of one pop is tiny stones and when it hits the ground, it explodes. Kinda dangerous.. but hey, I turned out fine despite the “pop” violence 🤣

Also, chilled with the doggos

My crazy hyper doggo.. crazy but photogenic 🤣

What else did we do? Well, I actually just eat a lot, like a lot.

Went for dimsum breakfast nearby my house in Ipoh because well.. it’s a dimsum place. The food was not too bad.. but the price though… it’s very compatible to KL pricing.

I mean.. Ipoh is supposed to have lower living expenses as compared to KL. Or at least that was what I always assumed 😰

And my mom cooked dins too! 😬

 Because I’ve been eating too much Chinese food…

I resorted to pasta for lunch.

And Japanese food for dins.

Because I seriously cannot tahan another sight of Chinese food after that one week of bingeing or well.. some were forced bingeing of Chinese food.

I’m not being ungrateful but my tastebuds are crying for help.

On an irrelevant note, I bumped into a friend from Ipoh near my office.

Well, the story was..

I called my friend on the phone, hoping for a dinner kaki because he stays the nearest to my office. Also, it was because Mister U had to “pai tin kong” hence the lone dinner.

Guess what? My friend was at the mall when I walked into the mall. So instead of dins, we caught up a little and it was all good and fun!

This friend of mine used to date my classmate back in Ipoh. And somehow we went to KL and we became classmates. Because Ipoh people kinda befriends with every Ipoh peep around hence us being friends. Yup, Ipoh people are everywhere in KL. Haha! It feels like home, sometimes when my homies said “pak yao” instead of “si yao” for soy sauce!

And yes, I do have a lot of male friends 🤣 And the husband has no issues with it. After all, I’m kinda ermm manly in my own way 🤣

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