Going carbless is no funny business, man!

Day 52 – 21 Feb 2019

I’m still feeling very full from my steamboat dinner or perhaps it was the smell of steamboat inside my car that made me full 🤣 Whichever it was, I wasn’t in the mood for a heavy breakfast.

Also, I am working from the HQ today hence the options for breakfast are very limited. It was between Oldtown Kopitiam, Starbucks and some food court that serves nothing I like. Yes, yes.. I am picky.

But I try not to break my carbless streak lah.. it’s been two days of carbless lehhhhh..

So I chose Starbucks for my usual iced americano because well, I just like tasteless coffee sometimes.

Also, Starbucks has zero choice of healthy breakfast option. It was either sandwiches, pastries or muffins. They used to have muesli with yoghurt but I think they took it down because of the “popularity.”

Soooooo.. I had no choice but to choose a bag of nuts. I know.. I must be nuts to choose that for breakfast 🤣 #punintended

I’m deadly allergic to peanuts so luckily none of those in it.

I am also highly aware that the dried fruits have sugar and those damn nuts have carbs. But at least… it’s minimal lah! As long as I am trying right 🤣 Also, I find it rather odd to have chick peas in the concoction of mixed fruits and nuts.

Somehow, just tasted odd in this mix and.. these “horse nuts” felt like sandpaper on my tongue. On a silver lining, sandpaper like nuts can help to scrap off germs from my tongue. Right? #mylogic

Gg broke my no carbs streak during lunch because I was too busy at work and had to ask my colleagues to tapau.

They went and packed economy rice so boh pian. At least, I asked for little rice! 🤣

Dinner was Nando’s grilled chicken with grilled vegetables. I think that’s my day of going carbless haha! I did try harder today 🤣


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