When hormones type..

Day 61 – 2 Mar 2019

When the husband was driving out of our housing estate, I saw a dog with a raffia string around its neck. The dog looked like it has some skin problems. Doggo was frantically searching for food because it looked really hungry.

So, I made the husband drove me to pack chicken rice.

For the doggo.

As I was approaching the doggo, doggo was wagging its tail. And I put that pack of chicken rice in front of doggo while trying to cut away the raffia string.

Doggo finished the rice so fast and I didn’t have the chance to cut the raffia string! I did manage to cut parts of the string. I wanted to proceed more.. but doggo seems a bit reluctant for me to touch it.

I wanted to help more.. but was too afraid that doggo might bite me. The husband said.. “We help what we could.”

So, we left the doggo there while it looked for bits and bits of rice on that pack of chicken rice.

And I went on a 😭 fest after.

It made me wonder.. why would some people are so heartless that they’ll treat animals like they are nothing.

Why would someone tie a string around a dog’s neck? I saw some blood stained on the string.. doggo must have tried to escape by pulling and pulling itself against the string.

The skin on its body were building up like it was infected for the longest time. It must have wander around for days or perhaps months.. wandering around for food and survival.

The reason why I went on a 😭 fest was because I was also hormonal lah.. and no, I’m not pregnant. I was just hormonal after watching a tv series on Netflix called Working Moms.

There was a scene in the show where this woman’s dog bit her mom and this woman has a baby. It was a decision she needs to make to ensure safety for her baby. So there was a scene that she went to the vet and I thought.. she put her dog down.

Luckily, in another scene, her PA adopted her dog. Phew.. made me 😭 only.

Chapalang Update

Day 60 – 1 Mar 2019

Hello March! I am still very in love with these spray carnation buds that bloomed beautifully in my vase 😍 It’s somehow very satisfying to see the buds bloomed into these tiny flowers!

Well, I am still very busy and my two months just passed by like that. I didn’t even recalled the last time I actually cooked a meal for myself and the husband. These days, work took control so I am tired every damn day after work.

I am always so busy at work that I survive with onigiri for lunches. It’s not doing any justice to my waist because I think I kept on gaining weights but that’s the fastest and easiest meal I can have. Else, I’ll get gastric so yeah..

But I do enjoy the busy times and I love that I’m so productive at work. Well, that’s just us human.. there’s always something to complain about.

Guess what, this onigiri is sedaps!

The only time I actually have time to sit down for coffee is when my sales staff are away from office. I will grab a cuppa nearby to reward myself.

Thank God I work nearby many good coffee places!

When I go grab a cuppa sometimes, I’ll see this black cat with white paws napping away like it’s the best thing in the world.

This fella doesn’t even give two flying fish when people walk around or over him. He will just continue sleeping or sometimes cuddling his paws to himself.

Probably the best sight ever after a long, tiring day at work 😍 I had thoughts of cat-napping this kitty.. but maybe not.. I like my arms scratch-less. My face, too!

Too cute lah this cat!

Because of my crazy working schedule, I only managed to cook twice last week.

Made some Chinese dessert with barley, dried longan and red dates. I am not entirely sure what are the functions of every ermm item.. but I do know red dates are good for blood circulation!

The husband said it’s not too bad. So ok lah then! #sucooks

And yes, every Chinese home’s staple will be steamed egg and I topped mine with soy sauce and garlic oil. That’s how my grandma and mom did it.. and it’ll be how I do it too!

It wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it to be even after straining.. but so comforting though!

On an irrelevant note, here’s a photo of my lunch the other day.

I told the order taker that I want a small rice and I was given this huge ass plate of rice. As usual, I wasted food again 😐

But fried chicken was yummy!

This was yesterday’s breakfast. I love bagel but this was just ridiculous.

Why? There was marinara sauce in between the bagel. Like what the freaking heck?! Why would someone put marinara on a bagel and scrambled eggs?!

Not only it spilled out all over my hands.. but it overpowered the mild taste of eggs and bagel. Sigh! Sometimes I wonder if I’m picky or what.. but come on, marinara sauce with bagel.. very, very odd.

I was working from HQ today and it was one of the better days at work because of the team. If I were in branch, I’m always alone and I can’t be myself because you know.. branch people are full of dramas and politics. Yawns.

I was told to choose my word properly before I open my mouth because being honest is not the best policy 🙄

Oh well, that concludes my week, I supposed. I’ll be home this weekend so yay to that.

First bridal bouquet workshop

Day 55 – 24 Feb 2019

My weekdays consist too much of work work work so basically, my free time are on weekends. And sometimes, the husband works on weekends so I have to find my own entertainment.

And I did 😂 besides chores, that’s it.

I went for a bridal bouquet workshop yesterday and it was fully paid by the husband 😏

By the way, those were my breakfast. I always have issues peeling hard boiled eggs and it drives me nuts that sometimes I succeed and sometimes, my nails dig into the pretty egg white.

My eggs obsession aside..

I followed this freelance florist on Instagram called Florahera and I love everything that she did with flowers. Everything just looks gorgeous!

Sooooooo.. when she announced that she has a workshop, so I signed up! And Mister U paid for it so double yay!

The workshop was held in this place called General Space and it’s in Sec 16. It’s a really gorgeous white space for events so it was a nice sight when I opened the door to the workshop.

The workshop was all about bridal bouquet and we were all “taught” about the floral business as well.

From getting flowers from suppliers, conditioning the flowers and basically.. the A to Z of the business.

Some of the participants actually are in the business but as for me, I was there for fun!

The owner of Florahera, Fara supplied us with premium and imported flowers like these gorgeous looking ranunculus.

I’ve never seen ranunculus before. It was my first time yesterday and I love it. It reminded me a bit of water lily and perhaps, a wee bit of eustoma as well. Either way, it’s gorgeous!

Gorgeous tulips! 😍

But tulips have issues surviving in our heat so they have to live in lots of water and yes, air conditioned places.

My ever favorite eustoma!

My ROM bouquet was actually of this color combination too!

Not too sure what’s it but it’s like a mini blue pineapple 🤣 I think it’s called thistle. Not too sure.. but I like that i learned about different textures of flowers.

Burgundy eustomas are gorgeous too!

Imported roses in the shade of caramel and I learned that we need to sometimes blow into the roses to kinda like expand it to let it breathe.

Why? Simply because they were traveling in static mode from another country hence we need to initiate their blooming by touching it or blowing it to “wake” them up.

We were all given a mood board assignment and mine was blush and blue 😬

Before the assignment starts, we went through flower salutation by giving respect to the flowers. We used lavender and damn, it was calming. Think I’ll get more dried lavender to keep in the house next time!

Fara was teaching us the French spiraling technique. It’s a European style of making a bouquet.

Here’s how it should look like after spiraling them into a bouquet.

Then, we learned to categorize the bouquet into four parts – primary flowers, secondary, tertiary and foliage.

Primary flower is usually the focal flower followed by the company of secondary and tertiary flowers which are smaller in sizes as compared the primary flower.

As for foliage, it’s usually leaves.

I think my favorite part of the workshop was choosing flowers because there were some flowers that I’ve not seen before! I especially like the berries!

My first attempt was a failure haha! I used too many primary flowers and it was all too crammed together.

I need some space in between the primary flowers by using secondary and tertiary flowers. And of course, foliage as well.

Second attempt – #successkid

So yay to that! Nailed the moodboard color and the French spiraling technique.. well, almost 🤣

This was my final result.

I used anemone, ranunculus, roses, thistles, berries, leaves and some unknown foliage that I am unsure of. I even added dried lavender so my bouquet will smell amazing!

I had fun and I really learned a lot from the workshop. So all I need to do know is practice, practice and practice.

The woes of going carbless

Day 53 – 22 Feb 2019

I felt like my determination level is extremely horrible because my self control for carbs is uncontrollable. Why can’t I eat without getting fat? I don’t even snack in between! #wodetian

Portion wise, I don’t even eat a lot.

This is definitely a trying time for my waist.. and weight 😖 But the wanton noodles is so comforting and the taste reminded me of Ipoh!

The only way to try to gain a wee bit of weight is portion control. I had fried rice for dins but only half of it.. and the rest went to the husband. Yay to my personal DBKL 🤣

Anyways, cheers to Friday night!


Going carbless is no funny business, man!

Day 52 – 21 Feb 2019

I’m still feeling very full from my steamboat dinner or perhaps it was the smell of steamboat inside my car that made me full 🤣 Whichever it was, I wasn’t in the mood for a heavy breakfast.

Also, I am working from the HQ today hence the options for breakfast are very limited. It was between Oldtown Kopitiam, Starbucks and some food court that serves nothing I like. Yes, yes.. I am picky.

But I try not to break my carbless streak lah.. it’s been two days of carbless lehhhhh..

So I chose Starbucks for my usual iced americano because well, I just like tasteless coffee sometimes.

Also, Starbucks has zero choice of healthy breakfast option. It was either sandwiches, pastries or muffins. They used to have muesli with yoghurt but I think they took it down because of the “popularity.”

Soooooo.. I had no choice but to choose a bag of nuts. I know.. I must be nuts to choose that for breakfast 🤣 #punintended

I’m deadly allergic to peanuts so luckily none of those in it.

I am also highly aware that the dried fruits have sugar and those damn nuts have carbs. But at least… it’s minimal lah! As long as I am trying right 🤣 Also, I find it rather odd to have chick peas in the concoction of mixed fruits and nuts.

Somehow, just tasted odd in this mix and.. these “horse nuts” felt like sandpaper on my tongue. On a silver lining, sandpaper like nuts can help to scrap off germs from my tongue. Right? #mylogic

Gg broke my no carbs streak during lunch because I was too busy at work and had to ask my colleagues to tapau.

They went and packed economy rice so boh pian. At least, I asked for little rice! 🤣

Dinner was Nando’s grilled chicken with grilled vegetables. I think that’s my day of going carbless haha! I did try harder today 🤣


Trying very hard to go carbless

Day 51 – 20 Feb 2019

Went on a carbless route today as well because #dayrebride wtf 🤣

So I had a quick lunch of cawamushi, grilled saba and a bowl of sashimi salad.

I only used a bit of the wafu dressing because I am so “motivated” like that 🤣

Healthy lunches are expensive though!

And then went all the way to Batu Caves for some clients appointment. Customer served me this really, really delicious tea!

It was so delicious that I was so sleepy the entire time!

At least, I reduced to one cup of coffee today. I usually have a cuppa after lunch but not today.. because discipline haha.. no lah, was too busy for one!

And the “carbless” journey continued until dinner time when a friend jio me for dins! 🤣

We decided to shabu shabu it out … but but.. I didn’t eat carbs! Eventhough technically the processed food are filled with carbs. Well, I tried.

I tried.. I really do.. but the portion control is very uncontrollable. Sigh, I should try better tomorrow.

Poon Choi Dins

Day 47 – 16 Feb 2019

My mom made poon choi for my ILs so we finally ate it today! It was amazing!

The ingredients inside the poon choi were:

– Japanese dried scallops
– Baby abalone
– Pork belly
– Fish maws
– Mushrooms
– Sea cucumber
– Roasted duck
– Chinese blood sausage
– Homemade meatballs
– Yam
– Cauliflower and lettuce

And the broth was made separately and everything tasted so good!

There’s some leftovers so that will be my brunch for tomorrow! Yay to that 😬

Our Fifth Valentine’s Day

Day 45 – 14 Feb 2019

It’s Valentine’s Day!

This year is our fifth Valentine’s Day together and our first as husband and wife 😬

We didn’t want to crowd with everyone else by eating outside so I cooked a fancy meal at home.

The presentation wasn’t fancy lah.. but the ingredients were! We had Australian striploin steak and mash potatoes for dins.

It was my first attempt with steak.

I watched Gordon Ramsay’s video like a bazillion time so I can attempt it. I was hoping to get a medium rare.. but..

It was medium! I think I should seared lesser than a minute.

I am not sure what I did wrongly.. I even baste it with hot butter, lemon thyme and garlic so make it all brown and nice.

Think I couldn’t control the heat well hence the medium instead of medium rare.

Oh well, at least, it was delicious. Mister U gave me a thumbs up for my first attempt! #sucooks #dayrefatties

Here’s one with the husband #stuckwithus4eva and that was our Valentine’s Day 🤣

Ending our night with a glass of Port. 😍

Do I eat to live or live to eat? 🤔

Day 43 – 12 Feb 2019

Continuing with the Chinese New Year happenings..

Met up with my macha who came back from HK because it’s a must meet up during the festivities! It was always a fun catch up with him and I really miss my kopi kaki 😢

Anyways, we met till late and then I had to wake up early to hit the roads to get back to Ipoh!

There was no jam so we reached home really early so yay to that.

Greeted by a delicious lunch cooked by my Mom 😍 It was too bad that I missed the vegetarian dish because I really, really love “chai choi.”

Even spent some time with my baby sister to play this childhood game called Pop Pop!

It’s literally a “weapon” because the inside of one pop is tiny stones and when it hits the ground, it explodes. Kinda dangerous.. but hey, I turned out fine despite the “pop” violence 🤣

Also, chilled with the doggos

My crazy hyper doggo.. crazy but photogenic 🤣

What else did we do? Well, I actually just eat a lot, like a lot.

Went for dimsum breakfast nearby my house in Ipoh because well.. it’s a dimsum place. The food was not too bad.. but the price though… it’s very compatible to KL pricing.

I mean.. Ipoh is supposed to have lower living expenses as compared to KL. Or at least that was what I always assumed 😰

And my mom cooked dins too! 😬

 Because I’ve been eating too much Chinese food…

I resorted to pasta for lunch.

And Japanese food for dins.

Because I seriously cannot tahan another sight of Chinese food after that one week of bingeing or well.. some were forced bingeing of Chinese food.

I’m not being ungrateful but my tastebuds are crying for help.

On an irrelevant note, I bumped into a friend from Ipoh near my office.

Well, the story was..

I called my friend on the phone, hoping for a dinner kaki because he stays the nearest to my office. Also, it was because Mister U had to “pai tin kong” hence the lone dinner.

Guess what? My friend was at the mall when I walked into the mall. So instead of dins, we caught up a little and it was all good and fun!

This friend of mine used to date my classmate back in Ipoh. And somehow we went to KL and we became classmates. Because Ipoh people kinda befriends with every Ipoh peep around hence us being friends. Yup, Ipoh people are everywhere in KL. Haha! It feels like home, sometimes when my homies said “pak yao” instead of “si yao” for soy sauce!

And yes, I do have a lot of male friends 🤣 And the husband has no issues with it. After all, I’m kinda ermm manly in my own way 🤣

Et cetera

Day 39 -8 Feb 2019

I went back to work on Chor 3 and damn, I felt exactly like that. I was working and the work just went on and on! Also, I haven’t gotten enough sleep for the past week so I was kinda grumpy because sleep is life!

At least, I did have a very good lunch!

This is my favorite-est noodles in Siang, Sogo 😍 Like I am obsessed with this noodles that I can probably finished it on my own if I didn’t have to share.

It’s braised yee mee with brinjals and salted fish and it’s slightly spicy. The yee mee was braised to perfection and it’s not too soft, topped with the delicious cubed brinjals, minced chicken and salted fish. Sooooo darn good 😍 #dayrefatties

Colleague G wanted to eat this and I am definitely not a fan of deep fried kailan 😐 It was tasteless and the fact that it was deep fried.. freaked me a little. I still like my kailan stir fry or blanched!

Some chicken duo – roasted chicken and meh chicken lathered in overly sweet Thai chilli sauce 😖

I like the roasted chicken.. but the other duo of this plate was eurgh.

The dim sums here are really, really good hence us here for lunch. But some dishes are forgettable.. so much for wanting to try something new. Should have stick to what we liked best 🙂

Because our bosses weren’t around.. so we ahem live a little with this bottle of wine that I got for RM65 🤣

And before everyone is quick to judge, this bottle of wine was drank after working hours! We just bought it during lunchtime 🤣

Surprisingly it wasn’t too bad!

Went home to cook for Mister U because I’m a good wife like that wtf 🤣

Basically, I just cook some rice and stir fry the baby French beans. The others were leftovers. #sucooks Also, I did the dishes because I cannot tahan how he does things. He will always be forever asking me the “hows, wheres and whys.”

Told him off that I’m not his mother and he replied me..


As a wife, I don’t know how I should reply to that 🙄

 CHOR ✌🏻+ ✌🏻 

Yup, I’m working still 🤣

My usual Oldtown Kopitiam’s kai zhi hor fun breakfast when I’m working from HQ.. and it still suck despite many years.. at least, it’s comforting.

When you’re kinda sick of Chinese food, Nando’s is your answer 🤣 Lunch with the colleagues and had help playing Dooit because I didn’t know that the majority of Chinese ethnics in Sarawak is Foochow. 🤣

Yeah, been obsessed with playing this general knowledge game for the past few days. Best of all, I get to win some cash!

Round 2 😏

FIL cooked again yay!

That’s basically my Chor 3 & 4 and I’m looking forward to go home tomorrow!