Sio Bak Love 😍

Day 31 – 31 Jan 2017

“Dividends” received so far; thank you 😂

These “dividends” shall contribute to my upcoming travel plans. I guess that is the joy of not being married.

 15 mins drive to office 😁 

If only the traffic in KL is as clear as today.. me and my wishful thoughts.

I am hoping that today will be a smooth sailing day with me swearing less in office because well, I try to swear lesser this year.

Tomorrow, I shall travel home and then work from branch while spending time with le familia. It’s a win-win situation.

Mister U will then come pick me up on the weekend to head back to the city.

Mister U’s mom made sio bak!

Dinner at Mister U’s tonight because I am staying overnight so he could drop me at the train station tomorrow. 😁

And the sio bak is so damn onz!

So gorgeous!

That crispy skin and just the right amount of fats and meat.. fuhhh.. this is love!

Those Dreaded Questions

Day 30 – 30 Jan 2017

The past couple of days were a blur because I have been eating a lot and Mister U had to deal with the never ending questions and statements from his relatives.

“Boy, when are you getting marry?”

“This is the last year I am giving you angpow. Next year, no more ah.”

” Make sure I am invited to your wedding.”

Besides the most dreaded repetitive Chinese New Year songs, I do not like this part of Chinese New Year at all.

I know I should have gotten used to it by now.

I grow up in a rather modern family and the only Chinese things that my family embrace is education and a well-paid job. That would be the emphasis they make every damn time when I am back home. Omg I just use the word damn but yeah, I was not brought up to be a traditionalist though I can be rather conservative sometimes.

These questions irk me a lot. Why? Perhaps I am not ready for that chapter of life. Yes, I should be simply because the society norm deems so.

But why must I adhere to the society norm?

Yes, I am rebel. I grew up to be one too, unfortunately. I often see a situation in a negative manner but now that I am much older, I am someone who believes in the silver lining behind those dark clouds.

There is a reason of why I chose not to be marry young. Ok lah.. I didn’t have a boyfriend then also lah. But my point is.. I do not want to be grounded by commitments that might overwhelmed me.

My previous commitment held me back a lot then.

I remembered vividly of how I shunned the idea of working abroad and traveling abroad because I was so committed to enter that supposed stage of life. I let go off many opportunities.

I honestly think that God has a plan for me. I used to be so angsty about the problem. Now that I am much older, I am glad my past shaped me to be who I am today. I tried to be a better person; love myself more. I actually have to work more on loving myself. The stress eating is doing no good to my body.

Wah, how did I even get to this topic? 😂

I think I sort of lari from the original topic. Man, my mind works in a bizarre manner sometimes.

My point is.. I still dread those questions. If I am ever ready for that stage of life, I will make sure the whole world knows it so I will not be bug by those questions anymore.

Times like these.. I really do miss Christmas.

Eating My Way to Fatness

Day 29 – 29 Jan 2017

Second day of Chinese New Year started with some finger food. I have eaten so many meals for the past three days!

And then we adjourned to Pik Wah restaurant for lunch. 😱

It was eight courses meal with Mister U and his family. It is also a good time to bond. His nieces and nephews are mad adorable! I have also been force fed lots of food and second helpings because I am a new addition to the table.

His family and the traditions; I am still trying to adapt to it. His family also have this tradition where meals during Chinese New Year must add second helping of rice.

Apparently, it is a symbol of prosperity. It is to tell that you have more than enough to eat. I am not entirely sure what it means but man, I had lots of carbs.

There is aplenty more of traditions to learn because well, my family is seriously very modern. My parents are those chill ones where only “pantang” they have is not to wear black on first day of Chinese New Year. And we are allowed to sleep as late as possible too.

But Mister U’s family wakes up early for meals. #toomuchtolearn

When Mister U models for hairband 😂

His niece decided to put it on all the uncles and yeah, Mister U looks amazing 😂

Needed a break from Chinese food hence the dinner/supper in a mamak. Times like these make me appreciate my country a lot because of our diversity and of course, food.

But then again, talking about my own country for better quality of life.. I am just finding ways to leave this country. I would not want my future generation to go through such challenges in life. I mean, we all do work for a better future and world.

I’ve been told to leave home multiple times this Chinese New Year.

Perhaps it is a good time to rethink my route.

Kung Hei Fatt Choi!

Day 28 – 28 Jan 2017

It’s Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi, Gong Xi everyone!

 It is all about overeating 😂

My day started early with a full fledged meal at Mister U’s. In his household, it is a tradition to add rice after one round of rice. I have no clue what it signifies but yeah, I just follow.

Later in the afternoon, there was lunch at his uncle’s. Yes, I had two meals within three hours 😱

At least, there was yee sang!

My crooked hand and yes, I am a failed cina that could not hold chopstick properly #bananaproblem #growinguplikeangmoh

Look at that spread of home cooked meal!

My favourite steamed fish 😍 I can have steamed fish in every meal.

I am stuffed and I am sitting down in one corner to chill because the sight of food scares me now.

With the very excited Mister U.

That Reunion Dinner

Day 27 – 27 Jan 2017

My Friday morning seems nice. Reached office in 15 mins rather than the usual one hour. And the Starbucks barista got my order correctly. #perfectmorning

 Random conversation about kids 

I went for a quick dinner with Mister U last night because this uncle hasn’t had McDonald’s for a few months.

Our conversation escalated to naming our future kids. My family carries twin genes so MAYBE I will have a pair of twin next time. I suggested to Mister U that if we ever have a pair of twin, we should name them Luke and Leia because Mister U is a huge fan of Star Wars.

But but.. if we ever have a baby boy, I suggested we should name our kid Lai Ian. Because you know.. lion 🦁

Mister U wasn’t amused 😂

 Basically I work and work till 4:00pm and the road was clear after. 

This year is the first time I am spending Chinese New Year in KL and it feels so damn odd. Usually I will be home a few days before and binge eat on reunion dinner because my mom usually cooks up a feast or we have pots of steamboat. Yes, you read it right. POTS of steamboat 😂

Anyway, the familia is traveling and my sister is working. Everyone is just scattered all over so I am spending my Chinese New Year with Mister U and his family. Well, for the reunion dinner and the first day lah..

I was actually hoping to get some yee sang from Sakae Sushi but it was closed when I got there. Man, I should really stop working so damn hard but .. but.. I hit my target for January which is not easy especially with the festive season.

Mister U and his family eat really early so the reunion dinner was before 6:30pm. It was a simple, delicious dinner. And I am stuffed. So stuffed that if I needed to go somewhere, I asked Mister U to just roll me 😂

Mister U’s mom made some jiu chu har. To be honest, I have no clue what is it called 😂 I just remembered the “jiu” and I know it is turnip cooked with dried sotong and mushrooms and it is super onz.

I had so much of these! And his parents made me finish a whole bowl of soup because yes, Cantonese must drink more soup. And yes, I am a Cantonese.

I am very, very stuffed.

I keep on yawning and honestly, I feel like sleeping already.

I am someone who believes in manners and I had to bring something to Mister U’s parents so I recycled a basket and filled it up with some oranges, cookies and red packets. Not too bad right? #creativesu Well, I tried to be creative.. I did try.

Cold Eggs

Day 26 – 26 Jan 2017

I visit Oldtown Kopitiam almost everyday for breakfast simply because the nearest coffee shop is quite far to walk to and also, I see a friend for breakfast everyday.

Basically breakfast is a determinant to my mood for the entire day.

Today, I am alone because the friend had no car and she had to take the train to work hence me being alone.

I decided to order the kaya butter toast and two soft boiled eggs for breakfast. Mind you.. ala carte too because sets are not available.

Why ala carte only today? Yes.. Chinese New Year is literally another two days away hence business owners think it is TOTALLY FINE to charge you extra. Fine, fine.. I get it. People are doing business.

Anyway, I got my coffee and soft boiled eggs first. I was thrilled because wow, fast service. Also, the Kopitiam was rather empty when I placed my ordered.

I waited for 20 mins before my toast came. I had to remind the waitress about it then she shouted to the kitchen to pass it to me first.

By then, my soft boiled eggs are cold. Yes, cold soft boiled eggs for breakfast.

Which right mind serve soft boiled eggs before the freaking toast bread? I am a Malaysian and I eat my soft boiled eggs TOGETHER with the kaya butter toast.

But no.. my bread was served after 20 mins. It is fine if I had to wait 10 mins or so while the soft boiled eggs are still warm. But nope, bread was served after 20 mins.. so I am dipping my toast in cold soft boiled eggs.

I do not even like bread to begin with 😩

I mean, it is fine to hire foreigners as the servers because they actually do a better job than the locals. Their only barrier is language but that is fine because they can speak English too if not Malay.

My only problem is the service.

It happens every single day. I think I have probably gone all amok on their services. It is not only this outlet but other outlets as well.

Why can’t business owners spend on customer services courses for staff?

I personally think that the service is more important than the food. Well, sometimes the food is more important. But my point is.. if the food sucks, and the service was good. I would not even complain. But both sucks so bad.. it really ruin the mood.

I promised myself that I will be more rational and less moody this year.

I guess Oldtown Kopitiam managed to screw it.

I should ban this place for breakfast. But nope, I still come.

I am such a sucker. #contradictingthoughts

Met up with apekhuw today because he is back for Chinese New Year and this is his version of red packet to me 😂 #angmohlogic


Day 24 – 24 Jan 2017

Day 24 – 24 Jan 2017

I was listening to some songs that I listened to when I was in college and I think my choices were a bit ermm bizarre as compared to my current ahem *cough* top 40 *cough* choices.

Ok lah, sometimes I go old school and go for the usual John Mayer and Jason Mraz kind. But let’s face it, music on the radio these days are not that great.

Anyways, I stumbled upon Ben’s Bitches and I had both their first two CDs which was signed by Ben himself!

But the CDs somehow disappeared 😕

I seriously wonder where it was; maybe.. maybe.. it is back in Ipoh. Their songs are explicit but it is pretty good. You have to listen to the lyrics and sometimes, you will laugh at what they sing. My favorite has to be Kim Jong, Ill. 😂 And their infamous Pensil Besar was hilarious too! It has a subliminal meaning and trust me, when you finally find out what it means.. it was kinda lewd 😂

But I think the reason I bought the CDs then was because of one song.

There was a song called Girl from Ipoh. Ahem, I am a true blue Ipoh girl so sell me anything Ipoh and I am sold!

Also, I think I have a picture with Ben himself. The photo was ancient old and I honestly do not recall where I keep that photo.

Man, good old days indeed. #bensbitches

Sunday Funday?

Day 22 – 22 Jan 2017

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day hence this classic Egg Benedict with smoked salmon. Paired it with a cup of black coffee and my Sunday morning is perfect. Well, was perfect until I braved through the crowd in the supermarket with the aim to purchase a brush.

But the crowd killed that aim of mine so I left empty handed. I learned an important lesson today – never ever, ever go to the supermarket the weekend before Chinese New Year. 😔

Managed to do some spring cleaning while watching Stephen Chow’s old movie.

Went for some “steak” dinner with Mister U and apparently I had a rib eye steak 🙄 I am still hungry and yeah, not very satisfying. People should really label their menu properly. What I had was not rib eye steak but more of thin slices of beef 🙄

On a brighter tone, it was only $16.90. I should have went for Thai food.

I’ll be spending Chinese New Year in KL this year because my parents are traveling so nobody will be home.

That means I’ll be spending it with Mister U and his family. When Mister U told me the rough itinerary of his family’s tradition, I can hear my inner self screaming because there will be so much food involved! 😔

Mister U said it is a trial run for me before I marry into his family. This Mister U is really shameless. I did not even say I will marry him 😂

Man, I feel fat already by just listening to the many breakfasts and lunches and dinners that I will be attending.