First Day Back at Work

Day 3 – 3 Jan 2017

I tossed. I turned. I felt like a bowl of salad the entire night. And I “woke up” with a pain on my neck. It felt like there are a million things on my mind but I am not entirely sure what it is which obviously caused me a supposedly good night sleep.

I was telling Mister U about how my writing “career” is sort of over because I do not have the time to sit down and write unless Dayre. But Dayre is all narcissistic stuffs about myself and my life. He told me that I should never stop writing.

And perhaps I should write a little longer, he said. 😂 I used to do the lengthy posts when I was blogging then but that is simply because I had a plenty of time in hands.

Now that I am *ahem* wiser .. my time is lacking. It felt like I have a million things to do and 24 hours is not enough! #signofaging

Also, I do not really have anything interesting to write these days because my life is pretty much routine and mundane. Omg, I am turning into a boring 30 years old! 😱

Perhaps I should chow down my breakfast before going off to the battle of the year 😂 #workisnolongerfun

Maybe.. maybe.. I will write a lengthy post about my first day at work. Maybe..

First day of work 😱

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